Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

   It feels like the only thing I have to write about anymore is my health, or lack of it. I purposely put off writing a blog for a couple of weeks hoping I would have something involving writing or my books to talk about. No such luck.
   In the last two weeks I've been to the ER three times. My heart kept going back into a-fib. They hit me with the paddles the first time, but only lasted two days before it happened again. Then it was something into my IV, and the doctor finally decided to put me on this really nasty medication that prevents my heart from beating too fast (a good thing), but could kill me without warning (not a good thing). Who knows how long it'll be before they can schedule the procedure to isolate the nerves sending the wrong signal and disconnect it.
   And if all that wasn't bad enough, my hair started falling out in fist-fulls about a week ago. I know some of you are probably thinking, "What's the big deal?" Well for me, my long blond pony-tail was about the only thing I liked about myself. It felt like the only thing I could do right, and also identified me as a Vietnam vet. I'll be bald by next week and won't want to leave the house. All this and I want a cigarette so frikin bad I could scream. I just can't suddenly stop a 55 year old habit and deal with it coherently.
   On a somewhat positive note, I did finish re-writing the short story I was working on months ago and submitted it to my critique group. They all loved it with only a few minor comments. I addressed those and entered it into several contests. We'll see what happens.
   I hope this rainbow brings you a pot of gold! Thanks for reading.


  1. Wishing you the best, as I type this from my hospital bed. Go figure. They have a bunch of good things to do to you to get afib undercontrol. Just hang in there in the meantime, until they apply the best one. Good luck with your story. I like it.

    1. Thanks Jerry! You know I'm praying for your healing every night. What hospital are you in? I'd like to come visit if you're up to it.

    2. Back home now. Thanks for the offer to visit at the hospital. I had to chuckle as strange as that sounds. I just had chemotherapy and then my port got infected and that put me in the hospital for four days to get it removed and antibodies pumped into both arms day and night, but I was on my chemo crash anyway, so didn’t care much what the heck they did to me anyway. I expect to be at our meeting next Tuesday. I'm with you. Poor health issues sucks the life out of our creativity. We'll bounce back. See you then.

    3. Glad you're back home! See you Tuesday.
