Thursday, March 10, 2016

Book Sales Have Flat-Lined. Now What?

   Even though I've been sick for weeks, I still had to undergo two days of mandatory training to keep my HCA Certification. I was going to try and write my blog last night but the classes wore me out. I feel slightly better today so I'll attempt to come up with something interesting.
   From what I've read of other's experiences, the gambit of emotions a writer goes through during the course of publishing a book is similar for everyone and something a non-writer probably wouldn't understand. That feeling of accomplishment when you finish your drafts turns into despair that you will ever get it edited well enough for folks to actually enjoy reading it. Then it's the frustration of formatting and creating a cover that will appeal to readers. The moment you click on the publish button, a void forms in your emotions, ready to be filled with disappointment if it doesn't sell or hopefully a feeling of joy when the numbers start to come in.
   Fortunately for me, because of my wonderful friends, sales started appearing that first day and the pages read was really exciting. In the first week there were over three thousand pages read which is pretty amazing since the book is only a little over one hundred pages. The first 4-star review left me smiling like the Cheshire Cat while others soon followed. Eventually reality set in and sales slowed even though pages continued to be read. Purchases completely flat-lined a month ago and there hasn't been a page read in over a week. Should I try and drum up interest in the book again or just let it rest and concentrate on the next one?
   If you read the story but didn't like it, please shoot me an e-mail or comment here to let me know where I need to improve. I've still got a long way to go as a writer but I can't fix it if I don't know what's broke.
   If you haven't read it yet, maybe I can entice you with a short scene from the book that occurs right after their first battle with the goblins.
   Thanks for reading.

                                                     The company turned as one toward the sound of trotting horses and the clatter of wagons. Everyone’s spirits lifted at the promise of transportation back home. Several men headed for the stables in search of hay to line the wagon bed for Derek. Braun and his men began the arduous task of dragging the dead goblins over to the entrance of the inn.
A two wheeled farmers cart and two wagons appeared on the road. The young man, who had run back to the village, jumped down from the cart but before he could reach them, bent over retching overcome by the stench.
The driver of the first wagon gathered up her skirts and began the difficult task of climbing down from the wagon. One of the men rushed over to help her. Safely on the ground, she tucked several stray silver locks back under her bright red scarf, pulled a cane from the wagon and searched the faces of the men.
Carefully, she made her way toward the side of the inn barely glancing at the grotesque bodies of the dead goblins. She walked unerringly to the tarp covered body that lay not far from Derek and the others. Using the cane, she slowly lowered herself to the ground, bent over and pulled the tarp away from the face of the man hidden underneath.
Gently, she brushed the blood soaked hair out of his eyes and kissed him on the forehead. Silence abounded as some of the men had to look away while others could not. Odessa wrapped her arms around Aldan and buried her face in his chest, sobbing quietly.
“Harold, you old fool,” the old woman murmured. “You just had to prove yourself one last time didn’t you.”
She glanced up at the men standing there. “Did he die bravely?”
Derek forced an answer past his own tears. “He saved the lives of several men, m’lady, including my own. A braver man I have never known.”
She nodded and looked over to where the men had started to pile the dead goblins. “I want you to place Harold’s body on top of that pile before the fires are lit. Forever will the spirits know that my man rose above these beasties and proved himself this day.”
They soon had Derek safely loaded into a wagon and sent the companions on their way. The rest of the men and wagons followed shortly. It was decided that the inn should be burned also since it was defiled and no longer fit for use. The old woman stayed behind along with Braun and his men and watched the fire blaze until nothing was left but ashes. By that time, the young man returned with his cart to take her home.                               

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