Wednesday, April 19, 2017

I Did That

   As some of you may know, I released my first, full length, novel several weeks ago. I'm still trying to wrap my head around what I've accomplished. It's been a little over a year since I had to step back from this story, and publish a novella just to get a feel for how the system worked. The difference between writing a 35 thousand word book and a 90 thousand are like night and day, at least for me.
   The complexity of this story, with its multiple plot lines and a wide variety of characters with very distinct personalities, was daunting. Several times I had to sit back and re-think the project, especially the time lines, to ensure everyone arrived at the climax at the right time. For the last several months, the book consumed my life. I thought about it night and day. I was concerned over my ability to pull the story out of my imagination and present it on paper in a way that made sense.
   To be honest, I was disappointed in the numbers from the free promotion, but you know what, it's okay. I've done something I never thought possible. Admittedly, the writing could be better, but hiring a professional editor on my limited, fixed income, was out of the question. I did spend the money for a quality cover and formatting in the hopes resulting sales would cover it. At this rate, it'll be a long time coming.
   At least several people enjoyed the story enough to leave a nice review, and bringing folks to my author page resulted in a few sales of my short stories and novella. There are some friends who I hoped would enjoy the story, but I haven't heard from them yet. If I've disappointed you, I'm sorry. I did my best.
   Thanks for reading.

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